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   名: 杜庆国


出生年月: 1977-11

   称: 教授


联系方式: 15102763615  qingguo.du@whut.edu.cn




2012年新加坡南洋理工大学博士;20122017新加坡科技研究局高性能计算研究院Scientist I2014.92015.11 加拿大多伦多大学 Research Fellow.




1.Y. Gao, Y. Tian, Q. Du*, Y. Wang, Q. Fu*, Q. Bian, Z. Li, S. Feng, F.-F. Ren*, “High efficiency and high transmission asymmetric polarization converter with chiral metasurface in visible and near- infrared” Chin. Phys. B (Accepted, 2023).

2.Y. Wu, Q. Fu*, S. Sun, Q. Du*, Z. Li, “Optical design and optimization of BP/c-Si tandem solar cells”, Optics Communications 530, 129123 (2023).

3.S. Tu, X. Liu, K. Liang, Q. Fu*, Y. Wang, Q. Du*, Z. Li*, “An ultra-high figure of merit refractive index sensor with Mie lattice resonance of a toroidal dipole in an all-dielectric metasurface array in the near-infrared”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 56, 115101 (2023).

4.Z. Zhou, Z. Li, Q. Du*, “Numerical simulation of optical refractometric sensing of multiple disease markers based on lab-in-a-fiber”, Opt. Express 30, 20783-20795 (2022).

5.C. Yi, Z. Chen, Y. Gao*, Q. Du*, “Designing High Efficiency Asymmetric Polarization Converter for Blue Light: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach” Opt. Express 30, 10032-10049 (2022).

6.C. Yi, Y. Wu, Y. Gao* and Q. Du*, “Tandem Solar Cells Efficiency Prediction and Optimization via Deep Learning”, Phy. Chem. Chem. Phy. 23, 2991-2998 (2020).

7.K. Nie, J. Li, X. Chen, Y. Xu, X. Tu, F. Ren*, Q. Du*, L. Fu, L. Kang, K. Tang, S. Gu, R. Zhang, P. Wu, Y. Zheng, H. H. Tan, C. Jagadish and J. Ye*, “Extreme absorption enhancement in ZnTe:O/ZnO intermediate band core-shell nanowires by interplay of dielectric resonance and plasmonic bowtie nanoantenna” Sci. Rep., 7, 7503 (2017).

8.Q. G. Du*, G. Shen and S. John, “Light trapping beyond the Lambertian limit in perovskite solar cells”, AIP Advances 6, 065002 (2016).

9.Q. G. Du*, W. Yue, Z. Wang, W. T. Lau, H. Ren and E. Li, “High optical transmittance of aluminum ultrathin film with hexagonal nanohole arrays as transparent electrode”, Opt. Express 24, 4680-4688 (2016).

10.Q. G. Du, K. Sathiyamoorthy, L. P. Zhang, H. V. Demir, C. H. Kam and X. W. Sun, “A two- dimensional nanopatterned thin metallic transparent conductor with high transparency from the ultraviolet to the infrared”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 181112-181112-4 (2012).

11.Q. G. Du, C. H. Kam, H. V. Demir, H. Y. Yu and X. W. Sun, “Broadband absorption enhancement in randomly positioned silicon nanowire arrays for solar cell applications”, Opt. Lett., 36, 1884-1886, (2011).

12.Q. G. Du, C. H. Kam, H. V. Demir, H. Y. Yu and X. W. Sun, “Enhanced optical absorption in nanopatterned silicon thin films with a nano-cone-hole structure for photovoltaic applications”, Opt. Lett., 35, 1713-1715, (2011).






